We at The Running Tortoise understand that circumstances can force you to cancel or reschedule your plans. We request you to go through our Refund Policy and familiarise yourself with the details.

TRT Tours

100% of the tour cost must be paid before the tour starts. Book your seat with an advance amount of 65% of the total tour cost. The balance 35% must be cleared 60 days before the tour start date.

  • 20% of the tour cost will be refunded if you cancel a tour up to 45 days prior to the tour start date.
  • No refund if you cancel a tour 44-0 days prior to the tour start date.
  • The date of written communication (email to with intent to cancel your tour is the date considered for calculating the cancellation fees.
  • If the tour is cancelled from our side due to any unavoidable circumstances, your entire amount paid to us for the tour will be refunded within 15 days from the intimation date of cancellation of the tour.
  • In the event of a ‘Force Majeure’, the contract will be suspended. The amount forwarded for any tour cancelled due to a ‘Force Majeure’ can be reused for the same tour within 12 months from the original tour start dates. The cancelled tour will be rescheduled after cessation of the ‘Force Majeure’, subject to participants defraying additional fees/charges brought about consequent to hike in Government Taxes on accommodation or safari fees.
  • Completion of the advance payment shall be deemed as the acceptance of these terms and conditions and it shall be presumed that the participant has read and understood them and agreed to abide by them.

Please contact for any questions related to refunds and cancellation.

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